Ending computer life right

proper recycling & computer security

Our way of recycling exceeds everything You can imagine, when it comes to our process, let’s just say we know the drill.

Just give us a call and we will get the job done. Properly. And you can be sure that not only is your data deleted in the most secure way possible, also the hardware will end up useful.

Making sure you'll never look back.

Secure & Responsible

World has reached the point where data simply cannot be destroyed by crushing* computers. We delete data in the GD way. For all the hardware we give new life – in one form or another. That is our Process – That is our Business. We worship the Process more than anything Because to us it is everything.

So, if You want to make sure that You will never have to look back, ever, give us a Call.

not looking back?

Our promise is to delete Your data so securely that You don’t ever need to look over Your shoulder. Yet if You still do – just to be sure – there is no one there. That is The GD Promise; make the data disappear, make the hardware useful.

May sound like a piece of cake but is not. We can assure You it takes quite a bit of expertise to handle the process – to keep the promise, to make the business. Yet that is what we do – all the way. All You need to do is to – make The Call!

Corporations, public sector, hospitals

Corporations, public sector, hospitals

That Data simply can not go sideways!

That Hardware simply needs to be recycled properly. It’s not about the safety of Your organization, it’s not about GDPR, it’s not about requirements of waste laws, it’s not about the image of Your organization. It’s all about getting them all in one package.

“To us Better safe than sorry is not just a phrase – It’s a way of life.”

– The motto of team GD

References and Partners

References and Partners

it all starts from trust

There are no two cases alike in our line of business. Every organization needs its individual solution. based on the demanded level of security. GD care is always tailored to meet the needs of the customer on the nose. Our process is always a process made for You – one that You can trust.

Executing and Reporting responsibility in GD way: GD Care Pack

References and Partners:

- Kanta-Häme Central Hospital,
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
- Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
- Town of Riihimäki
- EK, Confederation of Finnish Industries

References and Partners:

- Kanta-Häme Central Hospital,
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
- Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
- Town of Riihimäki
- EK, Confederation of Finnish Industries

Meet the Team

top of the class in the field of recycling

Our team consists of experienced professionals each of whom have won their spurs in their own field of expertise – ranging from logistics to IT-professionals. The Business is growing, so is the team.

Here You have the founding partners, feel free to contact:

You Make The Call – We Make Sure You’ll Never Look Back!

harri tuovinen

Founding Partner
T. +358 400 253 973

markku tikkanen

Founding Partner
T. +358 400 486 804

hannu rilla

Founding Partner
T. +358 400 514 341